A basic, security-minded k8s app setup
what & why The CKS (Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist) is a great resource for knowing how to secure a kubernetes cluster. It covers a lot of topics, from the cluster side (admission controller, webhooks, audit), app side (Pod Security Policies) and supply chain (image scanning). Another great resource for this is the Kubernetes Hardening Guidance by NSA & CISA But some of the concepts defined in both these resources are very case-specific, and require a lot of time, tools & effort to setup. In some environnements, it might be infeasible to deploy each and every one of those concepts. But that doesn’t mean we should avoid some basic security-minded steps when deploying to k8s. I won’t cover things on the cluster-side (audit, tools like falco, or admission controllers), but how you can improve the security of your front-facing app by adding a few lines here and there. ...