Contributing to the k8s documentation

translating tasks in french
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Add a new external user (or bot) in k8s

and do it properly with rbac
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Exporting Apple Health Data

Graph your health using grafana
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Gatekeeper, a ban & rate limit lib for flask

Avoid bursting and brute forcing on your flask app
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Autoscaling using KEDA

Scale workloads based on a rabbitMQ queue’s metrics
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A basic, security-minded k8s app setup

Add a layer of security to your deployment without too much hassle
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Remote, multi-user VSCode running in kubernetes

a better work environment
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Reducing Docker Images Size Using Xz

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A Monkey in the Cluster

apply the Chaos Engineering principles to k8s
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Exploring Kube’s Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

scale your microservices based on CPU usage
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